IQ Apartments
Our approach to pricing of services and how we ensure value for money for clients
Pre registration of the owners corporation and during the developer control period we work with the developer/ builder to gain the greatest understanding of the operational requirements of the building and the plant and equipment installed. This involves meeting contractors on site who are providing quotes to service and maintain the plant and equipment. By visting and walking the site with contractors as often as possible gives the Strata and Building managers an intimate knoweldge of the site. Where possible we obtain three quotes from our service providers. We make our recommendations based on the best value for money and discuss our recommendation with the owners corporation before engaging the successful service provider. We only use pre-selected and approved contractors and tradespeople. Before we recommend a service provider they must undergo a compliance and professional standards check. This ensures that they adhere to our strict policy and service standards, and in the event they do not have the appropriate insurances/ licenses we do not engage them.
We also have a maintenance and compliance team whoe ensure all contractors meet our code of conduct before they are engaged to perform services for our Owners‟ Corporations.
Having a dedicated and focused management team assigned to the IQ Apartments will provide the best opportunity for our value for money proposition. The team will undertake a review of all service providers within the first 3 months of engagement. Our recommendations will always be based on achieving value for money and where possible we will make recommendations to this executive committee on our findings.
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