IQ Apartments
We offer facility management or building management services across our portfolio and we have demonstrated ability to deliver facility management services through our involvement with Nishi and NewActon South. Civium Strata People worked with the developer prior to construction to provide strategic advice on the transfer and granting of easements over the residential lots. In this context easements has the meaning of use and access to shared utility services. Ultimately the development consisted of 18 Blocks on a single Section, comprising 220 residential units registered as a single units plan. As an integral part of this units plan, a shared facilities and division of costs budget was prepared by Civium Strata People. This register dealt with the rights and other responsibilities of the various parties granted under the registered easements. Ultimately this list of shared facilities and division of costs schedule formed part of the contact of sale and listed the Lessee‟s permitted use of the said shared facilities. Post construction and throughout our management of this building, Civium Strata People receives weekly reports from the on-site facility manager in relation to service and supervision of contracts to ensure they perform to the levels and frequencies required for this building.
The list of facility management services we would provide to the executive committee at IQ Apartments would include:
Building compliance and safety Life-cycle maintenance strategies and implementation Trades including electrical, air-conditioning, plumbing, carpentry, lift and fire services Specialist maintenance Grounds and gardens maintenance Security services (both physical and electronic) Pest control Cleaning
Civium Strata People facility management offers a wide range of independent consultancy services that can support your facility management needs and incorporates existing contracts such as cleaning and gardening should those services be required.
Many organisations recognise that their FM operations aren‟t working efficiently, and can‟t identify the problems. Our consultants can analyse how your facility‟s non-core activities are managed and determine the best way to deliver them.
We consider where to best reduce costs, how to improve the quality of services and how to reduce your risk. Most importantly, by increasing certainty in your FM spend, we ensure you‟re not just reacting to daily needs, but are able to clearly plan for the future.
Our facilities management consulting services include:
Strategic reviews
Assessing FM procurement practices and managing procurement processes Analysing asset portfolios, providing strategic asset management and planning Advising on risk exposure Helping to implement new FM systems and processes to improve service Improving the sustainability of your operations Analysis of utilities consumption and bench-marking
We list below the approach we would use for IQ Apartments:
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